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DieAppleDie said:
ive also read how the FSB limited a lot the CPU performance of the Xbox, and how PS2 had by far the lowest mem bandwith
GCs Flipper could in theory make 8 texture layer passes per clock but in reality it was limited to four like Xbox because it only had 4 pipelines, so that part was overengineered

The Geforce 4 Ti (That's in the Xbox) has 2 Texture Mapping Units per-pipeline, hence each pipeline gets 2 textures per clock cycle. - Throw in a loopback and the Geforce 4 Ti can achieve 4 textures in one pass when using a second cycle, per pipeline.

4x4 = 16 maximum theoretical.

Flipper (That's in the Gamecube) however can achieve 8 textures in a single pass, albeit via 7 loopbacks. - However in order to do so, it still requires a clock cycle per texture, hence it will cut into the GPU's maximum fillrate for each additional texture that a developer uses, it's still however superior to the multipass method that was utilised in the PS2 because it's all done in a single pass saving on geometry and bandwidth.

The Xbox compared to the other consoles at the time was a Texturing monster.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--