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The thing about the chicken/egg debate is that it can't be answered conclusively unless one defines the term "egg" in this context.

 1. If by "egg" one means any egg--not just a chicken egg--then the egg came first, because many species laid eggs before the chicken existed.

2. If by "egg" one means a "chicken egg," and if by "chicken egg" one means an egg that hatched into a chicken (but was not necessarily laid by a chicken), then the egg came first.

3. If by "egg" one means a "chicken egg," and if by "chicken egg" one means an egg that was laid by a chicken, then the chicken came first.

4. If one believe that some supernatural being created a bunch of dust out of nothing, and then created a chicken or egg out of that dust, then I suppose he/she/it could have created either first... but I'm not really into that sort of thing.

I know people have already articulated some of those ideas here, but I just wanted to put it all in once place!