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Darc Requiem said:
Disolitude, its nice to meet another poster that actually buys a console for the games they want. Thankfully the PS3 owners I know in real life and on other forums aren't the bunch of whiny, hypocritical babies that most of the PS3 owners on this forum seem to be.

LOL. Well put my friend.

I would porobably be a whiny baby too if i was a hardcore Sony fanboy found on this site and I had to stand in line for 3 hours on launch day only to hear PS3 is sold out and then have to buy it on ebay for twice the price...only to have Sony do a 100 dollar price cut in less than a year and not release more than 5 games worth playing in the meantime.

I figure I will wait until these "amazingly exclusive" games come out before I buy one and save the world of my whining.