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Okay, i won't personally be getting this game.. but i hope this puts rest to the argument "which console will do head tracking first" because it is the wii.. although i won't be getting this game, it goes to show the wii is capable of head tracking, and as such .. awesome


Boom Blox features head tracking! *UPDATE*

February 21st, 2008

Nicky Hill brings us this information from the Boom Blox session.

Coming straight from the EA session about the development process behind Boom Blox, we thought it would be nice to inform everyone that there was a special “GDC Easter Egg” presented at the end of the session. It seems as though Head Tracking has been worked into the production of Boom Blox. Some things are unclear as to whether or not you can move around through previously recorded levels that you played through, or if they are custom built levels. The important thing is that it IS worked into the game and is available. Things needed by the player would be either LED glasses, or a wireless sensor bar, but by using just that and the controllers the same headtracking effect that we have seen in various online videos will be possible on the Wii.

The first video within the link shows the headtracking, someone embed if they can