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CrazzyMan said:
Of`course PS3 on White Engine. =)

The game made it`s name on PS2, why now to make it for Wii? Because fo 20 mln. ?
Well, PS3 will have around 25 mln. by the end of the year, so what?

And 20 mln. is enough for a really GOOD game to reach over 2 mln. sales.

Final Fantasy made its name on NES and SNES, so what?

You expect Squarenix to be loyal?   Warfwarfwarf... :)))

Don't be silly, they're loyal to the money they could make, nothing else... and due to Wii's wide demographic and KH "family appeal", if think both Disney and Squarenix are smart enough to figure out... millions of Sony's purists won't make a difference this gen... just like millions of Nintendo's purists last gen...

What's important for Squarenix is that the mainstream audience and many, many videogame lovers will have a Wii anyway, as their first or second console of choice... that's the most important thing to make the next KH a massive hit...


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