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your right about starfox coming out before Virtual fighter (they did both come out in 1993) my mistake but I never owned a SNES. anyway if i remeber correctly Sega was looking at two different designs to become their new 32 bit system. The first one focused more on 3d gaming but was utimately dropped in favor of what became known as th sega saturn. what became known has the saturn was thought to make the 2d games better then its dropped counterpart. However they sacrificed a lot of the capabalitie that the other system had in making 3d games.

Systems I own (Games)

Sega: Dreamcast (40) , Saturn (25), Genesis (50), Masters System (10), Game Gear (20)

Sony: PS1 (8), PS2 (60) , PS3 (5), PSP (12)

Atari: 2600 (18) , 7800 (10), Lynx (10)