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outlawauron said:
Chandler said:

Damn what am I missing fighting magusar? Phase 1 ends in like 10 seconds now for me but I cant beat phase 2 without running out of offerings. Is there a way to replenish your casts in p2? I downed him twice in this phase and wrecked havoc on him but he must have an insane amount of health.


Edit: Ugh, got him. Just needed all slots for DPS :D

Should you? I'm thinking about trying again after leveling some more with 2 melee, 2 homing, and 2 heals.


Well in my first try I had 4 damage spells a heal and a wall and it was not enough overall damage before running out of offerings despite me nuking P1 in a matter of seconds. Second try I removed the wall for another damage spell and switched my arm spell for grave clod to spam it when the dragon falls on his side and it worked wonders, I didn't even have to use dark pact. I also didn't get hit once so I could very well kick the heal too.


Edit: here are the spells and sigil's I used for Magusar. I was Level 20 / 31 when I beat him, stats are a little higher now, but not much:


Commando fang spell really is what my spec is all about, amazing damage output and fast cast time. My spells are still very lackluster and I pretty much just use what high level spells I have around commando fangs.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.