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zackblue said:
sc94597 said:
^ I think she meant ps2. I want to disagree with you about the wii not being 1/5th the ps3s power but I don't feel like making a huge debate.

There is not much to disagree about, since its true.

 Here is a link to my stance on the wiis graphical capablilities. In it it describes how the 360 and ps3 are about 4 to 5 times graphically stronger than the wii because of the power they waste for things that aren't necessary in this time period. Also if you have both consoles you could opinionate but you don't I'm guessing for your fanboyism.

Ot: Idrc  but they better get the controls right if it is going to be on the wii. I will play the game no matter what console its on.