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The melee combat is what makes this game. It's like they put all the detail in the meleee combat, forgot about everything else, then realized they needed to add a shooting and driving system in the game so worked on that.

The shooting isn't really that bad, but it would have been better if they added a rechargeable bar for slowdown. The way it is, you can take cover anywhere then jump out of cover for slowdown. Jump back over into cover, jump back out for more slowdown. Repeat. It makes the shooting gameplay pretty broken. It's so broken to the point that when an enemy was on my radar and I was on a motorcycle, I kept on driving the motorcycle and jumping off the back and I was still getting triad points without actually killing anyone. I did this five minutes on the mission I found it out on near end game then later found out my high score was twice as high as second places on that mission.

The driving is good if you're into more unrealstic than arcade style racers. The very first time you get in a vehicle on this game you will crash into everything. You should very shortly learn how to drive without hitting anything and weave in and out if you're good at driving, but you'll find the driving is ridiculously bad you're first time playing.

Overall I think it's a great game and if they made a Sleeping Dogs 2 I'd definitely get it, but it had its issues. I was interested in it since it was True Crime Hong Kong and ended up purchasing it day one for $60, and just felt that it wasn't worth the $60 price tag with the issues it had and how short it was. $40 or less is definitely worth the price though. If you're on PS+ then free is easily worth the price.