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What topic asks. PS Vita is nearing 5 million units sold, yet it hasn't hit mass market appeal for various reasons (strong competition and relatively high entry price being the main ones).

So I was thinking, imagine if tomorrow Sony released a 'killer app' for Vita just as strong as 7th gen's motion madness fads that caught on fire (Wiimote, Kinect). Except it would be some kind of shovelware by us game-enthusiasts but it would push Vita to huge popularity.

Would you like it to happen or not?

Do you want to see the PS Vita sell 100M units thanks to some kind of mass market appealing shovelware/gimmick?

Or you prefer it to be a 'failed' machine selling less units, with no much mass market appeal, but some hardcore gaming gems (kind of a slow burner, such as the PS3)?

Maybe a combination of both? Discuss.