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DevilRising said:

1) It's unprofessional of them to lie and say that Frostbite 3 doesn't run on Wii U hardware when it can.

2) It's also stupid of them to not be supporting every console, considering they put out games for the (STILL) underwhelming Vita, but not the "Literally just came out months ago" Wii U.


It seems to be par for the course in this thread to fling wild accusations at EA, but don't make stuff up.

1) They never said Wii U can't run Frostbite 3.  Go and check the quote again.

2) They've released 4 games for Vita and 4 games for Wii-U.  They have no upcoming games announced for either console.  Might want to reconsider that line until they actually announce something you can blow your lid at.