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Love- 5
Hate- 5
I love some games like zelda and smg. The wiimote can be fun. I wish they wouldve made it more graphically capable. I also wish they wouldnt have so many mini games like warrio ware, etc..

Love- 10
Hate- 1
I love the graphics, games, controller, and the free online is great. I wish some of the big name games would hurry up and get here though.

Xbox 360
Love- 3
Hate- 7
Gears of war and bioshock are fun. i like the graphics. I hate that you have to pay for online, RROD, not many good non mature rated games, how you cant move the console while its on with a game inside, and microsoft points.

Love- 10
Hate- 0
I love how they create systems with great games and media capabilities. they always have new creative ideas like Home and Little Big Planet. They also make good games that are more standard (resistance, uncharted, etc.) I like the Bravia tvs. While they make some PR mistakes, I like the company's attitude in general (gotta love phil harrison and his baldness).

Love- 5
The Wii is definitely an intuitive concept. They make good first party games. The only problem is we only get around 3 to 4 of their great games a year (like zelda, mario galaxy, metroid, for example). I wish they would focus on the hardcore crowd as well. all their press conferences seem to be about the casual gamer. My other gripe is that in every zelda and mario game, you have the same storyline. Without new gameplay elements, it feels like your playing the same story over again. They need to come out with an excellent NEW IP, equal to their other franchises.

Love- 3
Hate- 7
I like some of their shooter games. Windows XP has served me well. However, they are very arrogant. They tried to act as if RROD was not a problem, until they issued the 3 year warranty. They claim that in 08 the "most anticipated exclusive games will be coming to xbox." that is false, as most people are much more anticipating either Brawl or Metal Gear Solid 4 or GTA4. I dont like Vista. I dont really like the Xbox brand in general