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bananaking21 said:
Cobretti2 said:

My point is still valid, the Wii U has only sold about 3million units. There is real no mass market. It is early adopters who are most likely Nintendo gamers and know what is going on.

Assuming the 1.3 million is right (VGChartz has half this), that is nothing of a 150million base which has a mass market component to it. This is like 0.87% of total install base. 

Now using Wii U numbers from VGchartz to find % sold against 3million Wii Us sold:

Pos Game Platform Year Global % Sold
3 ZombiU WiiU 2012 0.42 14.00%
4 Monster Hunter Tri WiiU 2012 0.33 11.00%
5 Lego City Undercover WiiU 2013 0.24 8.00%
6 Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed WiiU 2012 0.21 7.00%
7 Just Dance 4 WiiU 2012 0.18 6.00%
8 Call of Duty: Black Ops II WiiU 2012 0.18 6.00%
9 Scribblenauts: Unlimited WiiU 2012 0.16 5.33%
10 Assassin's Creed III WiiU 2012 0.14 4.67%
11 Batman: Arkham City WiiU 2012 0.14 4.67%

The ratios are no so bad considering they do not include digital sales.

Notice how the games that had effort put in are topping that list?.


As for the my comment about people would buy it on Wii U, well I was refering to people who this gen had no choice but to get a second console to experience 3rd party games. If Wii U had excellent support, I am sure those people would love to go back to one console users, and therefore would indeed buy the trilogy on the new system, assuming they owned a Wii U already an liked the fatures the Wii U offered.

those aliens numbers are from sega them selfs, so they are undisputed.

well that list of games pretty much sales it all.

ZombieU - the game was bundled from launch, yet it only sold .42 million units. there not terrible, but they are in no ways inspiring. considering they are bundled this pretty much shows that these types of games simply dont sell much on the WiiU currently. also this isnt a mutliplatform tittle so that will maximise the sales of this on the WiiU because nobody can get it else where.

MH tri- you do realize that over 2/3rds of this games units are sold in japan right? a market that EA does not cater to. yet a japanese game managed to outsell all of EA's games combined. its simple, EA does not have a market on the WiiU, thats why there is no support. btw this isnt even on ps3 or xbox 360

Lego City - it did ok i guess. certainly nothing to brag out, but this isnt mutliplatform either. but this point goes for the sega karting game as well. this isnt the type of game that EA makes or wants to sell, the fact that this outsold all EA's game combined, outsold CoD, ME, AC and need for speed says something. the demographic that buys the WiiU is different from the demographic that buys the PS360. nintendo's consumers are mostly kids and parents buying there kids a console. i know for some reason that riles people up, but its the truth.

the sega karting games that has a long name - this game is the only game that i can say performed better than it should have, looking at the sales of the other version on other consoles this did do good, sega should be happy with it. but its not the type of game EA makes, and the consumers who bought it arent the type who would buy battlefield or mass effect

Call of duty - those sales are just pure shit. this is the best selling game world wide. it sells over 10 million a year on each the ps3 and 360. the fact that call of duty bombed so hard on the WiiU says it all. if this game sold this bad why would battlefield sell better? the cosnumers just arent on the WiiU for this type of game, its that simple, those sales are proof

Assassin's creed - this pretty much has the same problem as CoD. the game sells millions upon millions yet cant even do .15 million on the WiiU.

notice how the best selling one of those games just sold .42 million units and it was bundled? notice that other than zombieU the games that did better than CoD are monster hunter, lego city, sega karting and just dance? games that are in no way the type of games EA makes? its simple, the WiiU owners wont buy the games that EA makes. 

I never said the sales were great but not bad for a launch considering most are ports and people bought mario lol. I didn't bother listing the mario games as well we know how much that sold and it is 1st party.

MHTri here at least has been sold out for weeks, you coudl only get it via preorder, poor distrubtion by Nintendo on their part here. 3DS games have also suffered shortage.  Ironically I finally got my hands on the game and I had the demo on hdd, and after the Wii U update the games from the HDD load MUCH quicker than they used to (well at least for the ones I had)

COD indeed has shit sales, sadly I think Activision dug that hole all those years ago when  Modern Warfare come out on the other platforms and  Nintendo cause they couldn't get a console to handle the HD graphics. Those who like COD and also because of the hype around it, had no choice but shifted. So all the userbases now established. Realisticlly I reckon that if Modern Warfare come out on Wii at the same time, the userbase on NIntendo platform would be somewhere between 3 to 5 million (more if it was in HD). Which isnt bad consideing how COD does no Wii now.

I agree that EA games do not feature there, but as I said there is no Mass Market on Wii U atm, the crowd that owns a Wii U is not very tollerant of EA and their BS to begin with.  All I know is if EA stopped talking shit like a bipolar person then this thread would not be needed, as Nintendo gamers would have just accepted EA is doing what EA does and that is hardly support a NIntendo platform. But when you hear message like there is still strong support and NOT ONE game annoucened wtf does that say? So I guess I do not think EA is taking too much heat atm.

Ironically the same crowd was having a go at Ubisoft for delaying Rayman. Yer be pissed off but a lot of them said they will boycott the game. Then they also said I hope we get watch dogs, splinter cell at the same time as the other platforms since the other platforms are holidng up Rayaman. Well guess what YOU ARE NOW. So it will be interesting to see how much of those fans are just talk and no action. 

Assuming Watch Dogs isn't a disaster game (highly unlikley based on what we seen), then I expect at least a 20% attach rate of this game (consideirng there is fuck all new content on Wii U). I also expect Rayman to outsell the other platforms due to the fact the game was designed around the game pad, and it works very well. Spinter Cell not so much, but I know alot of one console gamers missed the franchise so they will pick it up.

If these QUALITY TITLES sell poorly, i will join you in a Nintendo fan bashing by all means, as they will deserve it for being loud mouth no action whinging gamers.