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It's a matter of fact that EA is acting like a spoiled bitch, sorry to say. It's unprofessional of them to lie and say that Frostbite 3 doesn't run on Wii U hardware when it can. It's disingenuous of them to say they have an "unprecedented partnership" with Nintendo, and then turn around and not support the console (past a late Need for Speed port that admittedly Criterion did a great job on).

It's also outright bullshit for a publisher to sit and imply that a new console like Wii U needs a bigger instal base for them to justify spending resources to make games for it, when they're not supporting the console to help it get that along. It's also stupid of them to not be supporting every console, considering they put out games for the (STILL) underwhelming Vita, but not the "Literally just came out months ago" Wii U.

EA's stance on the matter is rather indefensible. If Activision and Ubisoft, both also massive soulless corporate machines who love money JUST as much, can be supporting Wii U with some of their best software, then EA has no ground to stand on in it's obstinate lack of support.

As far as I'M personally concerned, who gives a fuck? Because I don't personally care for the games EA puts out anyway. BUT, on a larger, more objective scale, they're acting rather foolish, and it's totally irrational of them to act like this when PS3 had just as abysmally slow a start, yet they supported it full bore.