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brendude13 said:
Carl2291 said:
This has been discussed over what... 3 threads in the last week?


Resident Evil 4 was best on Wii. Argue against me.

PSN / XBLA HD release.

I'd have to respectfully disagree based on a couple of things that I read:

First, and I can't personally vouch for this since I never played the HD versions, but according to the reviews I read (most notably IGN), the game is not an HD remaster like, say, the God of War or MGS collections on PS3, and is a badly upscaled version of the GC/Wii game.

Secondly, the Wii version gives you the ability to use the pointer controls for aiming (PS3 did not) and nunchuck motion with your knife making breaking boxes all around you a snap. And for those who don't like the Wii controls for whatever reason, you can switch at any time mid game to the classic controller if you wish, giving the player complete freedom of choice.

As I mentioned I've not played the HD versions myself but the people I know who have (along with the reviews I read) all seem to agree that the Wii version still holds the crown as the best version of RE4.