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happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:

Yes I'm referring to the average numbers.  And yes EA made money off of the Wii.  But I was never (including the OP) was just talking about the WiiU or just the Wii.  I've been saying Nintendon Console(s).  And I even mention that I understand some of the complaints but from a business standpoint I understand them not releasing games like Crysis 3 on the WiiU.  For one FPS games don't do well on nintendo consoles.  2 the WiiU doesn't have a big enough userbase to really justify taking the chance with them (yet).  In time EA will bring more games but Nintendo needs to give them reasons to first.

And yeas some games like L.A. Noire failed at making money.  That is a game that sunk the developers.  Yes I am a person who agrees with profits rather than just sales.  The problem is we don't know the profits of each game.  And as I said above, is it worth chancing on games like Crysis 3? 

Now while I agree with some of your points I am not just talking about the Wii or just the WiiU, but both and have been the entire time.  

Ok, I think I can work with this.

You are of the position that the U may get games later as Nintendo supplies a convincing userbase for EA's business needs. Why, in that case, did they not only refuse to port the Frostbite engine (for long-term strat), but also brush off the U as basically being unable to support it?

What do you do about the lack of quality in EA's WiiU ports as posted a few times by Maher? Do you really think it's fair to judge the viability of a 3rd party publisher's success off weak efforts?

allenmaher said:
EA's WiiU offerings
-ME3 not available for download, I am not searching across a ton of stores for a copy... did not get
-FIFA 13 tried the demo... it was not good, waiting for PES
-Madden gimped version passed on it, plus I am a CFL fan not an NFL fan. Four downs, short field, WTF... girly football.
-NFSMW was a good game, available for download, bought it immediately

EA sucks (should not say this since my buddy works for them)
But if they make a game worth buying for the WiiU, I will buy it.

Fair enough.  I did say that EA has made some mistakes.  To me it seems a lot of launch consoles have lazy ports though so I don't think this is exclusive to the WiiU.

However NFSMW is a good game so we do know they tried with it.