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S.T.A.G.E. said:
osed125 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Know what I think? Nintendo doesn't keep third party in mind at all when making their consoles. They keep a singular vision instead of a unified vision between themselves and their potential partners.

They are changing this things (or at least trying), one step at a time. Examples: Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101, Shin Megami Tensie x Fire emblem, publishing Monster Hunter and Lego City in Europe (and also in America I think), free licenses for the Unity Engine. All of those are relationships Nintendo has made with 3rd parties. Nintendo doesn't have the money to make partnerships with every 3rd party company and no one expects them to do so. 

Ubisoft, Warner, Sega and Capcom are supporting the system with few games, even with the horrendous install base the system currently has. If your theory is correct then why are those companies supporting the system? Either they are happy with the games they have sold on the Wii U (Capcom was happy with the Monster Hunter sales, and iirc Sega was relative happy with Sega & All Star racing for the Wii U) or Nintendo has a strong partnership with them. 

No. Those games are being made to fit the Wii U. They are not examples of what next gen is like because as I said Nintendo was only thinking of themselves when they developed the console. Its Nintendo's next gen (but technically still current gen) featuring support for a tablet. In order to fit Nintendos next gen you must play by Nintendos rules. Do what you want as long as you fit into their custom specs, which is why they will be getting current gen games and when next gen hits, they'll be on their own, but at least they'll have the special made exclusives. There will be no reason to scale that low to the Wii U. Don't believe me now but lets let this rest and see a year or two from now.

In the end is the same. If those exclusive games sell well both companies will be happy, and the support will continue. 

Their partnerships won't be focused on multiplats I can almost warranty that. Their relations will be in terms of exclusive content and publishing games. You can already see that in their recent business practices. For Nintendo it will be more important to have Kingdom Hearts 3 as exclusive (obviously hypothetical scenario) than having GTA V on their system as a multiplat.  

Having exclusive content is waaaay better than multiplats imo, so I think they are going in the right direction. 

We have been over the systems power multiple times, the Wii U will be able to run next gen games (just not at the same level as the PS4 and next xbox), this will be thanks to downscalable engines. This is where either Nintendo or the 3rd parties themselves need to invest the money, they need to port those engines to the Wii U and optimize it. If Frosbite 3 runs on the 360 and PS3 there's no reason for the Wii U not to, the only only problem here is to port the engine and optimize it, which EA obviously isn't going to do.

Nintendo and PC gamer