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Carl2291 said:
JayWood2010 said:
happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:

Are you not listening at all or are you just simply ignoring me?  

Tell me the numbers for the WiiU with a low install base and then tell me why it is worth it?  You are only answering half of what I've said.

While yes the Wii has made some money (100m consoles)  the WiiU is not making them any at the moment (3m consoles)

I'm truly sorry you suffer from alzheimer's:

So instead of answering me you attack me :)

Id have done the same. Youre ignoring peoples arguments when they prove you wrong and youre moving the goal posts. Its gone from Nintendo platforms to Wii to Wii U.

You should have started at Wii U and stuck with it. It would have made you look far less desperate.

Im not ignoring anybody's arguments including yours.  I have to go so im not going to be able to make any long posts right now but I will respond to your last comment.  Im not ignoring numbers, I know how the numbers has worked on the Wii, X360, PS3 very well.  Click on that link i told you about and you will see TONS of numbers in that thread.  Nintendo struggled with 3rd party games on the wii as well outside of the Misc genre which they excelled in.

Also I want to point out I did not ignore what he said but he was ignoring what I said.  Not really sure why you are blaming that on me.