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Others have already explained why "fake accuracy" is an extremely poor choice of words, so I'll leave that alone.

All of the numbers here are estimates. For the most part, they're pretty accurate, but they're still estimates. Every retail tracking service in existance (not just gaming) uses estimates. So do all polling services, television ratings, research studies, and anything else using sampling methods. Even the most basic familiarity with how these things work will tell you that. If anyone thinks that the numbers getting posted on this website are "exact", when the VGChartz methodology is prominently displayed on the front page, that's their own ignorance speaking.

Rounding off numbers would simply result in LESS accurate estimates. Why in the world would we want that? Sure, it's kind of irrelevant when we're talking about consoles that sell in the hundreds of thousands each week. But that's not the case for all software; software on the third and fourth pages of the weekly charts often have trouble breaking 2,000 or 3,000 units. Rounding off to the nearest 250 units would introduce serious errors into these numbers, not to mention every week that rounding takes place compounds the problems by introducing more and more errors.

ioi should report the most accurate information he has, period.

My Website

End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)