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Chandler said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Chandler said:
outlawauron said:

The normal seed was a nice upgrade for me. A medium one heals about 40% and the large does about 60%

The healing spells I checked gain like 30 in power but lose 2 casts. The spell I use goes from 150 power and 5 casts to 180 power and 3 casts. Thats like 750 vs 540 overall healing.

You are forgeting the animation time it also costs you. You can use one Medium Heal for a 2sec delay, or you can use 2 Small Heals for a 4sec delay which might get you killed.

And I want to say all the spell upgrades do this really. You usually lose a few cast points(or revert back to original #) in exchange for more damage(which means less casts needed).

I am not very far into the game but so far all the attack spells retain their casts when I upgrade them to the next "tier". Only healing spells lose casts so far.

It's on and off even with the attack spells. The explosives usually maintain their cast counts upon upgrading, but I've seen a couple of types that don't.

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