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JayWood2010 said:

Alright I'm a  bit tired of fans ripping EA a part because they don't support Nintendo with every game. While I'm all up for defending Nintendo, MSFT, and Sony when it is needed I also feel it is needed for 3rd party companies.  And yes EA has made mistakes and gamers rip them apart for it.  I get it but listen, EA does not do well on Nintendo consoles so can you really blame them for being cautious about Nintendo?  And no it is not EA's fault that they do not sell as well on Nintendo consoles as they do on other consoles. I know the first thing that people say is that the 1st party games on Nintendo consoles are the reason 3rd party games dont sell well and that is entirely false.  Yes I bought a WiiU for Nintendo's 1st party, but the reason I don't buy 3rd party games on Nintendo consoles is because they are better on Sony/MSFT consoles, plain and simple.  Whether it be because of graphics or Online capabilities.

So no I am not going to blame EA for not doing well.  It is simply because third party games are generally better on other consoles.  

Release games inconsistantly  and then releasing stuff like old Fifa labeled as new Fifa for  Vita and Wii  qualifies EA for being the target of haters.

Ea constantly makes mistakes (they would fare better if they would support Nintendo consoles with the same passion they have when it comes to making mistakes)

"reason I don't buy 3rd party games on Nintendo consoles is because they are better on Sony/MSFT consoles, plain and simple.  Whether it be because of graphics or Online capabilities."
There you have your reason  third party could make games better on WiiU compared to PS360 versions  but they dont want to and when they do it they release old games like NEED FOR SPEED which is the best console version but its simply OLD. And wonder why noone wants them (especially when they announce MassEffect trilogy before ME3 on WiiU is even out  which was UBER-FAIL!!!!!!)

I blame ea not for being cautious  but for being lazy and dumb and for lying. They make wrong decisions like the ME3/Trilogy thing  and then whine about people not buying their "crap". I would have bought the Mass Effect trilogy   I certainly dont buy a 20$ game for 60 when everyone else gets 3x the value for the money.
(And believe it or not Nintendo "hardcore" gamers know almost better than anyone what VALUE is since they kept getting complete games without DLC years after PS360 owners started to be plaqued with that shit.)

And after all this  YOU ARE SHIT BECAUSE YOU DONT BUY OUR GAMES. When the reason for this is SHITTY games or  just every 10th game hitting the system. You cant blame Nintendo gamers.

I mean if you are dissapointed all the time its just normal that you hesitate.  And a company cant use the same reason as excuse when it's solely up to them to change that.

The biggest mistake third party makes is this:  THEY expect WiiU or Nintendo console owners in general to be the same group of people that buy PS360 games.  But this has 2 problems!

If WiiU owners are the same people that play games on PS360.
They ignore that WiiU owners might already have a ps360 and that they buy multiplat titles on those consoles because of friends etc!

IF WiiU owners are a completely different group of gamers.
They expect them to buy all their games anyway and totally forget that noone on PS360 bought games like COD. They started to buy them after enough games came out and afterthey were able to establish the series on that console and after that console had a big enough fanbase  for  word-of-mouth advertising to start. Thats why games like COD are big now. 

Publishers had to put alot of effort into making those games BIG! They had to invest alot of money to do this. They kept "brainwashing" people that they had to buy those games with tons of commercials  etc.  and then it paid of.

On Nintendo consoles (where Wii versions are constantly missing from Multiplat commercials as if publishers are ashamed of their own mediocre ports) they release  game 1  and maybe 2 of series XY then  wont release part 3 and 4   and maybe release part 5 and then whine that noone buys part 5. How could anyone buy the game if they missed the other 2 and then were "foreced" to buy a PS360 to keep playing the series?

Third party is the only reason for third party failing.  Thats simple logic.   Why does third party fail on Vita? because third party is stupid. And because there simply is no real third party support for the system either.    Look at Mario Galaxy 2  no more than 10% of Wii owners bought that game and thats one of the most known franchises in gaming!  How can third party whine about not having success on Nintendo systems when their games are basically unknown there?

They became lazy after all those years on PS360 and they were used to easy money with all the DLC crap and sequel after sequel after sequel  etc...

They forgot the #1 rule of any industry.  To make sure you have success you have to accept short term loss to make long term profit. MS did that and it paid of and made XBOX a huge brand. Thats the way to go. If it doesnt work  make it work.   Publishers etc did that and established all their IPs on PS2/Xbox1/PS3/360 etc    they forgot that one acutally has to work.

And its in their own interest (in the long turn) to shape the Nintendo userbase  so that they will finally buy all the third party games.  Abandoning it and coming back just to abandon it   makes no sense and you have to start from scratch in bulding your userbase everytime you abandon it.  Third party wasted more money by abandoning the Nintendo consoles then they would have wasted by supporting it.

I grew up with Snes Gameboy and N64 etc. And third party releasing mediocre games and abandoning Nintendo consoles forced me to buy other consoles. But not for third party games since they already damaged my perception of them as company. I just buy exclusives and Sony/MS/Nintendo games.

What third party did with their crappy policy was  making me avoid Activision EA and Ubisoft games completely  on every system I own. Because I can easily pick a random   Nintendo made or Sony made game and it is almost 100% a great game. Whereas picking a random  third party game can burn me! So its an easy choice to make. 

I buy third party games   but mostly discounted  or when they are something special like most LEVEL5 games are etc.  Or when you can  clearly see that they put effort into making the game  (like Goldeneye Wii  which sold best on Wii and btw was one of the only games to get proper marketing!!!)


The only problem with Nintendo gamers is that they might not  browse the web to find out what games are out there resulting in lower sales. And that they hesitate in giving third party a 100th chance since they got burned 99x before.

But third party  with burning them  and having almost no advertising for Wii games  is the real problem here. And 90% of the problem are third party publishers/devs.  They expect the games to sell without creating a fanbase who could buy the games. Thats just dumb.