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Dodece said:
superchunk said:
Dodece said:
superchunk said:
EA deserves this heat. Its pathetic and they shouldn't be trying to get Nintendo to leave the business.

That's all there is to it.

Do you have actual proof of that, or is this just the story you want to believe?

This thread has a great OP...

Here is a couple of my posts in a different thread that summerizes my evidence of EAs dick moves.

All of you defending EA in regards to WiiU and then quoting sales of gimped, late, zero marketed games needs to get a reality check.

EA came out ON NINTENDO'S STAGE and said they would provide " unparallelled support" with Battlefield and sports etc. Then as launch closes in WiiU gets...

Mass Effect 3 low-budget port with zero marketing and killed off by an equally priced, heavily marketed Mass Effect trilogy on PS360.

Madden 13 low-budget port of the MADDEN 12 game. A fucking year old game with a new year on it. NONE of the upgrades the other versions were getting and that specific differences were the only advertising the Wii U version received. On top of that, it was even a late release to the other Madden 13 games.

NFS game that Criterion... NOT EA... actually spent time on to make it a better game than the other versions, yet it was still a late release. (in itself means it will sell dramatically less, why did Ubi delay Rayman again?) While Criterion had good intentions, EA did not match that support and it also received zero marketing.

How the hell can you use those games as justification for no future support? They sold exactly to the level of effort EA put into them. EA basically released them only because they were so far along it made zero sense to stop and they also wanted this crap sells argument to support their already in place plan to black-list Nintendo.

Fact is, EA is being a pathetic and childish. I was already willing to miss out on BF4 (even though I would have bought it on PC due to how my PS3 experience played out) in my ban on EA. Now I'm going to be fucked on my most favorite IP in all media formats. I knew Disney wouldn't let the SW gaming brand die and good games would come out eventually, but fucking EA... ugh.

EA has a horrible track record with games and generally they just slowly die. BF is really the only IP that has remained decent and that is likely solely due to DICE. Sure DICE would likely make a great Battlefront game too.

Madden and Tiger Woods has the same restrictions as these SW games will supposedly have. However, EA obviously has loopholes otherwise the next games for 2014 wouldn't be skipping Wii U. And no, spending another $450-$500 on another console is not an option. That's stupidity.

My only ray of hope is that EAs next CEO doesn't come in with this idiotic anti-Nintendo stance and returns EA to a far more solvent picture with supporting all viable platforms, including actually marketing them.

EA at two previous E3s (2011 and 2012) stated on stage that they were going all in with Wii U with unprecedented support. (Ubisoft said similar)

PS3 got a late ME2 port. It was heavily advertised. Sold well.
WiiU got a late ME3 port. It was never advertised. It had to compete with a METrilogy compilation on PS360 at the same price point that was actively advertised by EA.

Madden13 and FIFA13 on all other consoles launched on same date with same upgraded features for 2013.
Madden13 and FIFA13 on WiiU launched months later (this is biggest kicker for these types of games) with NONE of the newer 2013 features. In fact that lack of 2013 features is the only "advertising" Wii U variants received.

NFSMW on all other consoels same date with marketing.
NFSMW at least this one matched the content/features of the others. It was a late port. It received zero marketing. It sold accordingly.

Special note. All four of EAs games on WiiU were late ports with ZERO extra content. No other publisher did that with their late ports for WiiUs launch. They all provided free DLC or exclusive features.

EA in early 2013 has blatantly stated (this was even before NFSMW released) that WiiU will not be getting future support from them.

Now lets compare the other publishers/games you listed.

Ubisoft released:
ZombiU - exclusive title really utilizing gampad. Crazy marketing and even special bundle world-wide.
AC3 - nearly identical experience as the more mature consoles. heavily marketed as being on all the platforms, including WiiU.
Just Dance 4 - same game everywhere with same marketing support.
Marvel Avengers - same game everywhere with same marketing support.
Rabbids Land - exclusive with marketing.
yourshape - exclusive with marketing.
Sports connection - exclusive with marketing.

Ubisoft said they had hoped Wii U (the console) would have sold more, but the sales of the games were as expected based on the console's sell through. The only negative to come of this was the obvious timed-exclusive Rayman was delayed to match its Ps360 release. Yet, Wii U still has exclusive features and even a badass online portion for free out now.

Ubisoft 2013 support is strong with same next-gen titles and already same marketing.

How about BatmanAC?

Was a normal late port launch which actually included improvements of the older version (unlike any late ports from EA). Full DLC content along with a few new special features including solid marketing.

WB is obviously happy with WiiU overall as we got Injustice on same day. Sure its lacking DLC at first, but that is obviously tied to other timing issues as they probably were barely able to get the game itself caught up to speed with others. DLC will come later.

Then WB is still having same date and support for all its future games as well.

COD is really the same as EAs madden/fifa and other yearly titles. BLOPS2 is great and guess what... there were a few other games already out from Activision as well. They have also stated that they will show plans for Ghosts for "next-gen consoles" at a later time. So anyone thinking that did not include WiiU when BLOPS2 already built that code base... you're delusional.

Additionally, other Activision games with future releases all have WiiU support as well.


So yes, many launch games, including Nintendo ones, did not sell millions yet. But every publisher except EA has strong future support or even publically stated they know its due to Wii U's slower hardware sell through. They are all betting on the next iterations of games to be profitable as Wii U hardware rebounds with the release of plentiful software during 2nd half of year.

Anyone who can look at the stark contrasts between EA and every other publisher and still say its not EA just being a rabid fanboy towards Nintendo... is clearly good at ignoring blatant facts. Now, this does not mean Nintendo didn't break a promise to EA to cause all this... but I think that by 2014 it will be solely EAs loss and they'll return as a result.


EA has consistently proven they are out to kill Nintendo with moves that are clearly not designed to be profitable.

So what you are saying is you don't have any actual evidence that what you say is actually the case. Just some half baked conspiracy theories. Which is what I suspected all along. I expected better, or nothing at all. How sad.

I didn't read his whole post, but the section about the EA ports only. There are no conspiracy theories in that bit, look at the game reviews. Madden gimped, FIFA gimped. That is the general feedback you get rather that WHAT makes those games different and better.

The media even stopped reviewing Wii U ports, Look at injustice on metacritic, only reviews are from Nintendo sources.