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Mr Khan said:
Sal.Paradise said:
Mr Khan said:
This is the last i'll say on the matter as i'm trying to avoid things that make me mad on this site.

This is not about port-begging.
This is not necessarily about wanting the games in question at all.
This is about the glaringly obvious fact that EA is picking on Nintendo specifically. Why? We don't know precisely, a number of plausible theories are floated around, but the facts remain that there was a very slim time between EA's words being "hooray for the glorious Wii U" and then their first games and subsequent actions suggesting that the Nintendo base was something unpleasant Ricitiello had just scraped off his boot.
This is about EA being completely two-faced (frostbyte works on PS360 but not on Wii U? No. That is a baldfaced lie), about them spouting total bullshit. It's about the usual suspects saying "oh, but EA is a dispassionate business." It is also, unfortunately, about several posters i respect and the rift that emerged between us (notably Carl and Kresnik, here) because i called EA on their horseshit and they, unfortunately, subscribed to the idea that EA is not acting like the most vainglorious, swollen-headed bunch of pricks ever to grace the industry since EA themselves back in the Dreamcast days.

This is about the worst company in the industry and their idea that they can sink one of the big three, the fanboys who defend it to further their anti-Nintendo agenda, and a few respectable posters who have gotten caught in the crossfire.

I apologize if I have been over-harsh (especially to, again, Carl and Kresnik). I've been angry lately for some reason that i cannot gather (part of me suspects hormones, as my life is generally going pretty well, but this is rather tangental) and i've used VGChartz and this whole debacle to vent this mystery-rage.

These are the facts of the matter. Anything else is either misunderstanding or FUD.

I've poured this whole post through a fine sieve, and the only actual reasoning I can find that you've put forward as to why your dislike of EA is rational, as separated from just the pure hatred and the name calling, is the line "frostbyte works on PS360 but not on Wii U? No. That is a baldfaced lie".  Thing is they never said that, the guy just said the results of testing the engine were 'not too promising'. So, this post really is just a continuation of your baseless hatred that I've grown accustomed to seeing from you in every EA thread. (I particularly like the insinuation of just how many people not on your side of the argument must be anti-nintendo fanboys.) Hopefully this really is the last time you comment on the issue, because what you post on this topic is mostly toxic and I think reflects poorly on Wii U fans and those with legitimate gripes against EA. 

Fact: The Wii U is more powerful than PS3 and Xbox 360

Fact: Frostbite 3 games are going to PS3 and Xbox 360

"Not too promising" means precisely what, now? If they port the engine now, and support it with games (and not the gimped excuses for games they've tried so far), it will certainly be wortwhile financially, especially with more universally beloved properties like Star Wars in the mix. It is not a question of power, so it is a question of, what, precisely?

And i'm not insinuating anything. I am stating, as an additional fact, that many of the EA-defenders are using this to further their anti-Nintendo agenda. Not all, of course, some people honestly buy into it, which makes me kind of sad. But those I am calling out here, You know who you are, we all do. So stop it.

And this, indeed, will be my final post on the matter.

Not too promising means; not too promising. Probably means they'd have to invest significant time to make it run at a level they find acceptable, time that they're not willing to put in based on the projected returns.

But that's speculation; what I can say for sure is that they didn't say that Frostbite doesn't work on Wii U, which is what you were trying to claim to justify your hatred.

As for your comment 'it will certinaly be worthwhile financially', I don't think you can argue this. Remember, and I think explained this in detail to you before a while ago in a GTA V on Wii U thread, the question for third parties isn't simply 'will the project be profitable', it is 'will the project be more profitable than if we had decided to allocate the same resources elsewhere'.  

Oh and, no matter how many times you paint people with a large brush as being anti-this or anti-that and try to intimidate them into not posting, they won't 'stop' saying something you don't like simply because you tell them to, if it doesn't break any rules. No, not even when you're a mod.