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Carl2291 said:
Machiavellian said:

people do not purchase Nintendo systems to play 3rd party games.

Wrong. Lets use VGChartz numbers.

~460 Million 3rd party games sold on Wii.

~440 Million 3rd party games sold on DS.

~900 Million 3rd party games sold on Nintendo platforms for the generation.

~548 Million 3rd party games sold on PS3.

~230 Million 3rd party games sold on PSP.

~778 Million 3rd party games sold on Sony platforms for the generation.

~609 Million 3rd party games sold on X360.

As you can see, consumers bought plenty of 3rd party games on Nintendo platforms

Very good observation. It's also not true by a fair margin that Nintendo sells more games on their platforms than 3rd party devs, on the Wii and DS Nintendo-published games "only" account for ~40% of all sold SW (likely even less since VGChartz doesn't track most of the shovelware)