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EA is a business that has chosen to invest their resources in one direction and not another. That's the bottom line. As those resources are EA's to invest, they get to make the decision on that. Not gamers. Not bloggers. Not forum-goers.

This is the same for any business that has finite resources, and it's obvious that EA is trying to streamline the process of where their resources are spent in order to maximize efficiency. If you only had a certain amount to invest, wouldn't you try to invest where you get the greatest return?

Sometimes when reading these forums, I have to step back and remember that not everyone has business experience. I read people talking about expensive investments as though these companies use free Monopoly money that they can just print out at will. "Oh, it doesn't cost anything else to make a Wii U version, they've already got the PS3 and 360 versions!" It kind of blows my mind that people think that, as though these games are made by a couple of guys working for minimum wage who can knock out a port in a couple of days.

I know with the Vita, it kind of gets frustrating when certain companies don't develop for it. Do I think they're making a mistake by not working to help build an alternative market? Yes. Do I think Vita gamers are hungry for content and that the Vita represents a "blue ocean"? Absolutely. Am I mad that these companies aren't willing to invest in the game system that I like a lot? No, I'm not. They can do as they wish with their money, even if I believe they should rethink their position.

I've got to say, a lot of the rage I see directed at EA seems kind of childish.