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This is the last i'll say on the matter as i'm trying to avoid things that make me mad on this site.

This is not about port-begging.
This is not necessarily about wanting the games in question at all.
This is about the glaringly obvious fact that EA is picking on Nintendo specifically. Why? We don't know precisely, a number of plausible theories are floated around, but the facts remain that there was a very slim time between EA's words being "hooray for the glorious Wii U" and then their first games and subsequent actions suggesting that the Nintendo base was something unpleasant Ricitiello had just scraped off his boot.
This is about EA being completely two-faced (frostbyte works on PS360 but not on Wii U? No. That is a baldfaced lie), about them spouting total bullshit. It's about the usual suspects saying "oh, but EA is a dispassionate business." It is also, unfortunately, about several posters i respect and the rift that emerged between us (notably Carl and Kresnik, here) because i called EA on their horseshit and they, unfortunately, subscribed to the idea that EA is not acting like the most vainglorious, swollen-headed bunch of pricks ever to grace the industry since EA themselves back in the Dreamcast days.

This is about the worst company in the industry and their idea that they can sink one of the big three, the fanboys who defend it to further their anti-Nintendo agenda, and a few respectable posters who have gotten caught in the crossfire.

I apologize if I have been over-harsh (especially to, again, Carl and Kresnik). I've been angry lately for some reason that i cannot gather (part of me suspects hormones, as my life is generally going pretty well, but this is rather tangental) and i've used VGChartz and this whole debacle to vent this mystery-rage.

These are the facts of the matter. Anything else is either misunderstanding or FUD.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.