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JayWood2010 said:

Let's compare madden (One of EA's biggest games) to Wii madden and you can tell me which one is better.

Right now WiiU doesn't even have a big install base and the games are too similar to the X360/PS3 for them to invest at the moment.  Once again games will sell better on X360/PS3 for online capabilities in this case.

You're just proving a point that I don't think you were actually trying to prove. People don't buy third-party titles on Nintendo systems because (many times) they are the crap version out of the three. This is not Nintendo's fault, it is the third-party developers fault.

OT: EA gets blamed for a lot, some is needed, some is not. I think it's great that EA is being cautious about their releases on Nintendo consoles, but is it necessary to be cautious to the point where you barely do anything good for the console? No, not really.