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I actually tended to think women prefered darker hair and skin this is easily reflected in hollywood. Especially in how there are a lot more dark skinned minorities in the US as celebrities. The funny thing is I think most would prefer blue or green eyes. This is easily seen in how the prevalence for blue eyes in Europe as it is believed to be rooted in the sexual selection of females that would more often mate with blue eyed males.

America's blue and green eyed males are losing number because they are loved by so many. The average number of white individuals with blue or green eyes drops every year as people with white heritage have children with people that generally do not have blue or green eyes. It is pretty cool to have really dark hair and greenish-blue eyes myself as this is pretty damn rare. And i get all sorts compliments with the combo .

My own preference would be blue eyes and dark hair on a woman though I am open minded as a horny man in my selection. So many flavors in America is awesome.


Also, ASS.