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I swear there was more text than that when I originally posted this. The text was identical to the bundle's text though, which is where I got the "no mention of dualshock 3" of my original post.

Hopefully DS3 will be the incentive you speak of. (Pure speculation)

Looks like that text is back up now. And you're right, it specifically mentions the SIXAXIS.

It's pretty bizarre though. What person is going to look at this page and think, "Hmm, I think I'll go with option number 2!"

It won't surprise me if they keep the SIXAXIS in the low-end bundle and the DS3 in the high-end bundle. That's what they're doing in Japan, and it's what the rumors about the 120gb PS3 suggested they were planning here. It's a fairly mean-spirited sales technique, but we'll probably have to live with it.

But to not replace the BR movie with anything is just poor marketing. That's why I'm wondering if there'll be a new game or movie -- maybe not included in the box, but chosen from a list of shelf titles. That might explain some of the strangeness to this.