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Please great oracles of all things Nintendo. If it wouldn't be too terribly much trouble. Would you care to explain to us poor fools what it is that Nintendo has done exactly to court third party developers. Yes I am being sarcastic, and I don't expect you to actually have any answers beyond a couple token gestures, some ass kissing from small studios that can not afford to anger Nintendo anyway, and some very vague lip service.

This isn't my first time to this rodeo, and this isn't the first time I have heard this song and dance from Nintendo. Hell it isn't the first time I have heard it from their fans. Empty gestures are just that empty gestures. Anyone with more then a couple neurons to rub together know that Nintendo isn't doing dick about its third party situation. Well nothing more then what they usually do. That being next to nothing. Does anyone seriously harbor the illusion that Nintendo genuinely sought advice from third parties while they were designing their console. Hell do you even think they came up with a plan to make them more successful to get them on board.

Nintendo treats third parties like they are the enemy, and they bully them whenever they can. While Microsoft and Sony dote on them hand and foot. Is it any wonder they prefer those two to Nintendo. If Nintendo were genuinely interested in repairing their image with third parties. They would be doing the same things Microsoft and Sony do to get them and keep them. Why should they go up against a eight hundred pound gorilla that has rigged the game in its favor.