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Lucas-Rio said:

Honestly, do you think that 5 millions of Vita/PSP is something else that the recognition of a big failure?

Sony doesn't even hope to salvage thei system apparently. At this pace it will do less than 20 millions LT.

look at the sales of the system this past year? Sony's not just putting that number out just willy nilly, they see the data, less 20 million life time is still less than 20 million life time sales. Hell they already are less than 20 million life time sales. what many of you seem to be over looking is the very fact this market for mobile gaming is no longer the way it used to be, Even with the massive lead that the Nintendo 3DS has it still is no where near the smartphone market! where do you think most 3rd party mobile developer's are headed to make their software for? Nintendo or the Applications stores market?

Why do you think Sony is courting those indie developer's, making Unity 3D a cross playstation platform development engine.

The PSVita is meant to be able to use the living room console as its Hub, with Software to be taken on the go, that is where the entire industry is heading. why do you think Microsoft is making Smartglass?

The PSVita was not just made for connection to the PS4 it was made to connect to your living room Playstation IE: the PS3 and PS4 it was developed to allw you to take any game in theory from your playstation collection on the go anytime. to build such an eco system is going to take time . especially when you have more than just one platform to deal with that you are developing for and the resources to make all the games for each platform.


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.