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Truthfully I haven't supported this pointless format war from the start. Right now Blu-Ray is the only hi-def format to buy movies on. That's a big deal for the people who want that. However in the big picture i don't see Blu-Ray or any Hi-def format to take the majority of the market for atleast 5-10 years. Most people don't know this but DVD started out in about 1995, dont quote me on that but that is when I first heard about it. DVD didn't take over 50 percent of the market until at least 2002. That and most people didn't convert until a few years ago. Now riddle me this are the same people going to go out and re-buy their movies when they just did so less than 5 years ago? I don't think that Blu-Ray or just to be fair had HD-DVD won this war, neither would be the dominant format until at the earliest 2012.