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Zim said:
Okay so Gametrailers just did a Top 10 anticipated games of 2008 so lets take a look. It would have been made before GoW2 was announced though so I think that would appear on the list otherwise.

10. Smash Bros
9. Ninja Gaiden 2 (oh hey look it is anticipated and only sony Fanboys don't think so)
8. Prototype
7.Gta 4
6. LBP
5. Starcraft 2
4. FF13 - I do have to call a wtf on this one. No way it is ever getting released in 2008. Most anticipated of 2009/2010 most definetly, of 2008? No it's just stupid putting it on the list.
3. Fallout 3
2. MGS 4
1. RE5

So one exclusive for wii, 2 for ps3 (sorry but FF13 simply isn't coming this year), 1 for 360 then the exclusive DLC for GTA4. So the original claim is just PR hype, but really it isn't that OTT. I think now GoW2 would probably fall in that list somewhere, really it should replace FF13 since that isn't coming out this year.

So yep it's hype but still no more than Nintendo or Sony do.
ok im confused..... soooooooooo what ur saying is that sony still has more unticipated games that the 360........ what r u trying to say?