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Well, I think that despite the article's broad statements, the PS3 does have a chance for a comeback now that Blu-Ray is the sole HD-format...more and more people will want to get the system now that they can play movies in HD quality AND play games, so I think the article does have a legitimate claim...

Only one, teensy-weensy problem.....

Who the hell has the money? In case nobody knows, the country is heading to whats called a "recession," or just having the symptoms of one at this moment. The price of oil just reached $100 a barrel....that is unprecedented. People are having problems paying their mortgage and the bills, let alone have enough money to live a life in luxury. Yes, that's games, HD movies and a HDTV is a luxury, not a necessity. So while the technology-obsessed consumers spend their money on the latest gadgets, the majority will save their money until they either get more money or things get cheaper. And while neither seems to be happening in quite a while, I don't quite see any of the systems doing as well as they would in a normal economy, let alone see the sales of the PS3 skyrocket to the top of the charts.

Of course, since when are consumers really that smart....right?

Explanation of sig:

I am a name is hard is that? (Don't ask about the 101...apparantely there are more of me out there....)