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Nana was the first to fall. She was always looking at her older brother's back, and when times got tough, she knew that eventually she would have to sacrifice herself so that he could survive, so that the Ice Climbers legacy wouldn't die out completely. This moment came when they turned on Nana and her brother; they came in an unstoppable swarm, and eventually, Nana simply wasn't able to run anymore.


"Nana, no!" Popo stopped immediately, knowing immediately what was in Nana's mind. He remembered what their father had told them long ago, but he didn't want to lose her now. There was still a chance they could escape together; they had climbed mountains that people claimed that professionals wouldn't even bother attempting, they fought the albatross, they completed so many challenges together that it was almost impossible for Popo to imagine life without her. But with the look in Nana's eyes, Popo knew that there was no use arguing. Either he would listen to his sister, or he would betray his family and both would die on the spot. Popo cursed underneath his breath. His sister stared at them with that look in her face.

"Jump." Popo jumped in the air, yanking his bungee cord to bring his sister with him. She flew up a short distance, then yanked the bungee cord with all of her strength. Popo went soaring though the air as his sister crashed to the ground, withdrawing her hammer for a final stand. Tears flew from Popo's cheek as he flew, the world beneath him changed from the bloody battleground to what would be his new home. 

He cracked his head on the ground, screaming out in pain. They thought that they could rise from an unfair position, but it wasn't their time quite yet... And their brashness has cost Popo his sister and his sister her life. He would come back, he would avenge her... he would show them what a solo Ice Climber would do. Grabbing his throbbing head and his hammer, Popo whispered a prayer under his breath and headed into the woods.

Meanwhile, his sister was on her last stock. She knew that she meant to be a meatshield for her brother, the chosen one. She would simply fade away without him, so it was useless to put her life over his... She made sure he got away, but still, her end felt lonely. It felt... cold. Maybe they made a mistake going for power and missed that the most important thing they had was their companionship... She hoped her brother would be okay.

Stel1504 (Ice Climbers), Mafia Roleblocker, lynched Day 2!