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TI94A Parsec
NES Mario
286 QFG/Wing Commander a bunch of Origin and Seirra games
386 dont remember
P90 dont remember
400 mhz dont remember
N64 Goldeneye console died in 6 months
Xbox Fable(overhyped)
Athlon 64 2ghz single core 6600gt Half Life 2
Xbox 360 Perfect Dark 0(I want my money back for the game)
7600gt NWN 2 6600 could not render the sky
Athlon FX 60 Vangaurd SOH unaceptable framerates


There was another pc in there somewhere betwen 400mhz and 2 ghz but I dont remember what it was which is sad because it was the first one I built from scratch AMD 1 ghzish slocket a.


Nothing currently on the radar screen to get me to buy a ps3, Wii, or upgrade my pc