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I can cite a number of historical Sony acquisitions that were less then beneficent. Yes Sony has run developers into the ground, dissolved studios, and fired off staff in mass. They are no different then Electronic Arts save one small detail. Sony doesn't necessarily go after good developers. Often enough they go after small developers with questionable talent. Those are cheaper to get, and if they don't turn out for the best. Well you didn't spend a lot in the first place.

I still recall the Sigil termination incident of little less then a year ago. Sony didn't even have the decency to do it themselves. Before they took control of the company they had the previous management fire people off. Which Sony was more then happy to hire back. Can you see the money saving potential in that situation? They even terminated them in mass out in the parking lot. That is pretty cold hearted. Sure its a technicality that Sony didn't do it themselves but they pushed the buttons.