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I will preface a thought are PS3 owners actually the type of players that like role playing games? I have a hard time imagining any player that actually likes the genre would be happy with the PS3 platform. I find it hard to imagine that any fan would gladly fast for well over a year while eating only the occasional 360 scrap. That is what bothers me about these arguments its assumed that the PS3 is somehow a better role playing user base in spite of the fact that these people bought the console in spite of it not having any major games in the genre. What is really rich about these debates is that they take place with a discreet lack of empirical evidence. The PS3 is the worse console for role playing games. Compare the sales of Enchanted Arms and Oblivion on these respective platforms. That is about all there is for role playing games on the PS3, but if for some odd reason you want to include Folklore that title doesn't stand up against the likes of Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, or Eternal Sonata. The evidence is there those who own a 360 do buy role playing games. Meanwhile the PS3 has very little, and the platform sells very little. Basically if you say the platform has three role playing games it still hasn't sold over a million role playing games. The genre accounts for an attach rate of less then ten percent. Meanwhile the 360 has sold over five million role playing titles without having twice the user base. The console has achieved an attach rate of over thirty percents in regards to the genre. That is what a thriving role playing community should look like. Before you try to wave the JRPG stick I will point out that when it comes to that the 360 only looks more impressive not less. The 360 globally is approaching a five percent attach rate for that specific genre. While the PS3 only shows just over one percent of attach rate. There isn't any proof that the 360 is a poor console for role playing games, or that the user base is not interested in them. Meanwhile there is ample proof that this is exactly the case with the PS3. So we return to the original question is there any reason to believe that PS3 owners actually even like role playing games. Were I Square I would actually be worried. Basically it is a blind assumption that the PS3 user base will come through, and there aren't any facts to actually bare that out.