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I can't respond to everyone to begin with. I'm not going to bother replying to anyone else who hasn't even read the whole story which some of you clearly have not read it. I will repeat one more last time I didn't ask for anything. My mother's boyfriend came to me several times as he was aware I was not in a good place with my life. It was not the other way around. I'm done talking about this, though. I have said most of the story and make of it what you will.

I moved out the day it happened anyways and I'm moving on with my life. I will talk to my step dad if and when he wants to talk. Something I told both my mother and sister I would do the day after the incident. I never once either said none of it was my fault as some of you assume I entirely blame it on him.

It's over with and I'm glad it finally happened (it was bound to happen after tension between us on and off for years) so that it can be done and we both can move on. For those of you who actually did read it and either thought I was wrong or right, thanks. That's the type of advice I was looking for.