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I think the way that Electronic Arts conducts itself is deplorable, and while I wouldn't mind if they went bankrupt, and were forced out of the industry. Given the bastion of underhanded evil they have become. I would be just as happy if they decided to clean up their act, and started acting like any other responsible company. That isn't to say I wouldn't be extremely cautious about dealing with them.

That said their not supporting the Wii U isn't one of their sins. Their falling out with Nintendo was years in the making, and it was long in coming. Their not supporting the Wii U has less to do with that console, and more to do with the console that came before. Electronic Arts not once saw a two percent sell through of any game on the Wii, and their games actually averaged less then a one percent sell through. While Nintendo had a large enough install base with the Wii for publishers to survive on such a margin.

Given the initial sales of the Wii U that position quickly became untenable, and that has nothing to do with what Electronic Arts put out for the platform. Delayed ports shouldn't have been any kind of an issue if the consoles owners were purists, but they weren't, aren't, and haven been in ages. Electronic Arts was just acknowledging the fact that everyone has been suspecting for quite some time. People buy Nintendo consoles explicitly to play Nintendo games, and they play other games on their other console.

With that being the case. Why make games for the platform that will only lose them more money. When those same players will buy their games on another platform anyway. You want to know the sickest truth of all. Nintendo has no business even making consoles at this point. Nintendo isn't creating a doorway for gaming. The hardware is just a cover charge for their own games. Electronic Arts may be conniving enough to recognize their own, and just reaching that conclusion first, but they probably wont be the last to get there.

In a perverse way they are doing you a favor. Once Nintendo gets forced out of the console business. They will become a third party publisher putting out games on the remaining two platforms. Your going to save a lot of money, because of that, and you are going to be able to buy a lot more games with the money you save. The only reason anyone is bitching about all of this is they want someone else to pay for their own nasty habit.

Why should everyone else go broke to prop up Nintendo, and its own little fiefdom. You know the only thing that isn't fair is expecting that of others. Enough with the selfishness. If you are willing to pay a small fortune to play a few Nintendo games every year. Fine that is you prerogative, but stop acting like everyone else should suffer to feed you habit. Your only problem is that without Electronic Arts bulking up the library. You are afraid that others will realize the truth, and stop feeding into the Nintendo greed machine. That is really just as reprehensible as what Electronic Arts has been doing.

Yeah it really is the pot calling the kettle black. You do realize. Most of us here figures this all out ages ago. That is why the Wii became a non issue, and why the Wii U is selling so poorly. It is just a pretend console after all. Sure whatever go blow a load of cash for the honor of being allowed to buy a couple Nintendo games every year. Whatever makes you happy, and all I suppose, but please stop with the crying and whining. You weren't going to buy their games for your Nintendo anyway. You were going to buy them for your real console.