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So I decided to try and fight Magusar early--I didn't expect to beat him, but I just wanted a sense of how the fight would go and what I'd be dealing with. But without giving anything's really nothing special, TBH. I was hoping for something more ambitious than a more annoying version of the other boss fights.

I ended up beating him after 3 tries, because the third time I stumbled across a convenient "Anti-Magusar" sigil that boosts your offense and defense just in the last fight. Um...thanks Inafune? :p

I'm still going through the higher Avalon pacts to get better offerings/unlock better sigils. But at this point...I'm thinking that I might end up trading the game back in soon. It doesn't have much in the way of replay value IMO.

Have some time to kill? Read my shitty games blog.
