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Ji99saw said:
superchunk said:
All of you defending EA in regards to WiiU and then quoting sales of gimped, late, zero marketed games needs to get a reality check.

EA came out ON NINTENDO'S STAGE and said they would provide " unparallelled support" with Battlefield and sports etc. Then as launch closes in WiiU gets...

Mass Effect 3 low-budget port with zero marketing and killed off by an equally priced, heavily marketed Mass Effect trilogy on PS360.

Madden 13 low-budget port of the MADDEN 12 game. A fucking year old game with a new year on it. NONE of the upgrades the other versions were getting and that specific differences were the only advertising the Wii U version received. On top of that, it was even a late release to the other Madden 13 games.

NFS game that Criterion... NOT EA... actually spent time on to make it a better game than the other versions, yet it was still a late release. (in itself means it will sell dramatically less, why did Ubi delay Rayman again?) While Criterion had good intentions, EA did not match that support and it also received zero marketing.

How the hell can you use those games as justification for no future support? They sold exactly to the level of effort EA put into them. EA basically released them only because they were so far along it made zero sense to stop and they also wanted this crap sells argument to support their already in place plan to black-list Nintendo.

Fact is, EA is being a pathetic and childish. I was already willing to miss out on BF4 (even though I would have bought it on PC due to how my PS3 experience played out) in my ban on EA. Now I'm going to be fucked on my most favorite IP in all media formats. I knew Disney wouldn't let the SW gaming brand die and good games would come out eventually, but fucking EA... ugh.

EA has a horrible track record with games and generally they just slowly die. BF is really the only IP that has remained decent and that is likely solely due to DICE. Sure DICE would likely make a great Battlefront game too.

Madden and Tiger Woods has the same restrictions as these SW games will supposedly have. However, EA obviously has loopholes otherwise the next games for 2014 wouldn't be skipping Wii U. And no, spending another $450-$500 on another console is not an option. That's stupidity.

My only ray of hope is that EAs next CEO doesn't come in with this idiotic anti-Nintendo stance and returns EA to a far more solvent picture with supporting all viable platforms, including actually marketing them.

So to summarize your post EA should just bend over for Nintendo because.......... they're Nintendo

Seems Legit

You are misrepresenting what we want. All we desire is fairness.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.