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Carl2291 said:
Mr Khan said:

Activision's actually been pretty good. They called the Wii U a next-gen console (why they didn't announce CoD:Ghosts yet), and Ubisoft has at least clumsily been trying to make up for the Rayman debacle. EA, meanwhile, has been thumbing their noses at us and laughing about it.

Again, they deserve nothing but contempt

And EA released Need for Speed: Most Wanted. The superior version. The version that had lots of effort put into it. EA released as many Wii U games in the last 3 Months as Nintendo did.

That game EA released has sold less than 20,000 units in just over a Month.

Mr Khan said:

Port begging would be if i actually wanted these games. This is about a company being a bunch of spoiled children, and asking them to man the hell up and act like adults for the good of the industry.

So you dont care for these Star Wars games and youre just here complaining because they no longer seem to be acknowledging your console of choice?

You should re-read your last sentence.

I do care for Star Wars games, just not to the degree of "begging."

And i think i'm being far more adult about it than EA is. EA is giving us the finger and talking like everything's still hunky-dory. At least i'm being straight about how i feel and what i want to see happen.

And did EA give any indication that that "effort" game existed? Does EA have one singular game in the pipe for Wii U? Have they not made the completely unprecedented step of no longer releasing Madden on a major home console?

While Criterion put effort into NFS: Most Wanted U, EA made sure it went out to die, just like they did with Mass Effect 3.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.