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gigantor21 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Still a rumor by this point but seeing as this i supposedly an email from MSFT then this seems to be the most plausible rumor of them all. It is very interesting ig this is true because it will mark a ton of sites as posting false information and the fans who went haywire (mostly fans of another company) will finally have to shutup about it.

I doubt that.

I'm leaning towards the PS4, myself, but ever since Sony stated they won't block used games outright I've had a hard time believing MS would be stupid enough to do such a thing by themselves. Especially when they charge for Live on top of that. A lot of people here sure wish they will be, though...

Not exactly sure what you are trying to say?  I wasn't even talking about used games, but for the record I've supported both Sony and MSFT blocking used games.  I wouldn't doubt if both have some way of doing this.  Maybe by letting developers/publishers  have the choice, idk.  As far as XBL it is hated on these forums but in real life it is also highly successful.  From the thing I've learned, it is not people who are fans of the Xbox complaining etc.  It is fans of other companies who had no intentions on buying an xbox anyways.  I'm just saying that they will have to shutup about internet. They can further complain about some other trivial reason.