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Wow, I'm probably going to infuriate a lot of people but here we go:

- I think ICO and Shadow of The Colossus are terrible. Boring, pretentious, bland... meh.

- I don't like a single Nintendo franchise. Zelda is the only one with potential to impress if it grows up, though Z:TP is decent.

- I don't like the Uncharted franchise (except 2 which was ok).

- I hate Nathan Drake, he's generic and shallow. Also ND can't decide whether he's a genius sympathetic action-man or a clumsy foolish murderer.

- I've only played MGS4 in the MGS series and think it is an awful game. Horrible controls, convoluted story, boring, grey + brown.

- I think Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is the best in the series.

- I think Kratos is one of the best game characters ever and the GoW story is up there with the best (this isn't really unpopular though, could probably find millions fans who agree).

- I didn't like the combat in Bayonetta. It's too flashy and random.

- I don't like Japanese games. I very rarely play JP games and it's even more rare that I find any enjoyment in them.

- I think the latest Forza Motorsport games are far superior to the latest Gran Tursimo.

- I think all the Halo games have very weak single player campaigns.

- I prefer the artistic style and music in Oblivion over Skyrim.

- I think Beyond Two Souls is looking to be a mediocre 'game' and The Last of Us looks like it'll be good but not the masterpiece people think it'll be.

- I think Heavenly Sword and Enslaved had terrible stories.

- I think Red Dead Redemption is far superior to any Grand Theft Auto game.

- I think the gameplay in all the Mass Effect games is sub-par.

- I don't mind QTEs at all when they're done well (God of War), when they're done poorly (RE6) then people wrongly assume they're all bad.


That's all I can think of at the moment.