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The_vagabond7 said:
The negativity isn't directed at Sakurai, and what he said. It's directed at the douchebags at IGN that are essentially asking him why his game isn't better.

 IGN: We know this game is perfect and awesome compressed onto a Wii disc, buuuut...couldn't you have made it a little MORE perfect?




IGN: Are you sure?


Sakurai: Um...yes?


IGN: Double super extra sure with a cherry on top?


Sakurai (strains to keep a straight face): Yes.


IGN: OK, thanks for the interview. By the way, you're sure?


Sakurai (crushes Smash Ball, glows): Yes! Now get out of here before I Final Aether your sorry ass. 

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.