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Kyros said:
"1080p is a waste for television and movies IF you have a TV that properly deinterlaces 1080i. "

Really? This would be surprising to me. Do modern 720p/1080i LCD displays really have 1920*1080 pixels?This would be very surprising. I am pretty sure that my 32"LCD has 1376*768 physical pixels. I don't know what he displays when he says 1080i, but I am pretty sure that 1080p would have more details. Interlacing here, interlacing there. Its just a difference between LCDs with 768 lines and LCDs with more physical lines.

If you don't believe me, Google it. There are at least 50 articles that explain how 1080p and 1080i are visually the same if the TV handles 1080i deinterlacing properly. It's a commonly known fact that is often swept under the rug by rabid 1080p promoters.

Here are a few of the most-quoted ones: 

Or check out my new webcomic: