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Yeah, I've been there a few times. Never realized what those switches were about (partially because I never bothered flipping them since I didn't know what they would do).

I discovered Joe's flame rod + exp farm yesterday. I've grinded ("ground" just doesn't seem right in this context) probably 120 levels with it. Once I figure out the best way to build it, I'm going to be reproducing it in the overworld with a zombie/skeleton farm (mob farm like the one I have currently producing mob drops), or maybe with the zombie spawner I've discovered.

I think I'll also try finding a way to build one to work with spiders as well.

Experience farms are nice, but I don't like how far I have to travel to get to Joe's.


Meanwhile, I've begun building my fortress on Waterworld. Until now, it's just been a farming compound. Now's when the real fun begins...
