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I don't know why, but I'm a little disappointed that he said that he has idea's for the next smash bros game, I guess it's because you know he didn't go all out on this one?

Like, I know that most developers say that they still have a few things up their sleeve when they make a sequel, but this is one of those rare few times that I've heard a developer admit that before a game is released (worldwide that is). Maybe it's because he thinks brawl will get very average reviews (for the franchise, which'd be high 8's and low 9's anyway) and he doesn't want to put people off the series?

Who knows

Not too shocked about the lack of DLC, since the Wii lacks a hard drive and internal memory just isn't there (Let's be honest people). Disabling Video chat is pretty obvious, seeing as how family orientated the Wii is, as opposed to the other competiting consoles. Nintendo won't want a few big ego's who think they're 1337 smack talking and ruining it for the rest of us. I'm not fussed though, so long as we don't get dodged with the "friend codes only" online play, I'll be happy.