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Untamoi said:
disolitude said:
Morgyn said:
in 3/4 years people will have the bandwidth for a decent HD movie, but most people simply don't have the storage or the broadband for true HD.

An ok HD movie encoded with 264 is around 10 gig, and that's without any extras.

Thats more than most peoples bandwidth caps for the month and about 1/20th of thier entire HD space.

People want disks, people want to own movies. Yes rentals have thier place but people will always want to own, and downloads only last as long as the system does.

Thanks for speaking for the people. Guys, the people have spoken...

Seriously, do you know how downloads on networks like xbox live work? You download a game/movie/whatever and you own it. When you come home and find your xbox 360 RRod-ing you go and buy another one. Recover your account tag and everything you downloaded is still there, free, waiting for you to download it again. You own it after you paid for it... This topic is not talking about some illegal torrent movie downloads but a proper pay to play service.

Besides, there are many more people living in the real world outside this site, who want to see a movie, enjoy it and then never watch it again. If a service has the ability to start downloading the movie and let you watch it while it downloads, you could be watching an 720p movie within 30 minutes of starting the download with an average interenet connection here in Canada(500K/second). Way more convinient than renting or buying movies. Cheaper as well as no physical materials are wasted.

If I own something then I should be able sell it to other people if I don't want it anymore. If I can't sell it away then it's only renting, not owning.

Good point. Somewhere down the line this may be possible with digital downloads as well.